Eduard L. mentioned that he was curious about inspiration. (If) While doing the painting are you listening to a certain music or if you want to be in a silent area, etc?
That’s a good question.
I have always listened to something. Earlier on, I liked Classical (non vocal) music or film scores. Later it was a mix of that and Jazz (also non vocal).
Lately, as of the past few years, I have been either listening to nonfiction audio books or podcasts. I like to learn new things while I’m occupied with the motor skills of brush strokes. Because really, a million brush strokes on a board can get monotonous.
In the past, around five-ish years ago I guess, I would listen to language courses ( French, German, Dutch, Italian, Mandarin). These, though nice, seemed to interfere with painting a bit, and unless I found myself painting a more simple piece or in the right mindset, I found that it didn’t help the flow at all and I tended to zone out the audio entirely to focus on the painting. I do throw those in sometimes now, but not as often.
Aside from that, I go back to my original musical themes – classical piano, cello, maybe some smooth or swing jazz are weapons of choice. ..and of course holiday jingles for Christmas (and July when you’re dreaming of a snowflake or two.. ;) ).
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