As I walk the trails near my home, I’m often greeted by the sight of wild turkeys roaming the woods and fields. This spring and summer has brought an especially memorable flock. A mother turkey with eight young poults has made regular appearances during my hikes.

The mother is very protective, keeping the little ones close as she guides them along, scratching and pecking the ground for bugs and seeds. The poults are impossibly cute, small and fluffy with inquisitive eyes taking in their surroundings. I love watching them trail after their mother, imitating her movements and learning how to forage.
The turkeys enjoy perching up in the oaks and pines, preening their feathers and keeping watch. I’m always impressed by how the entire flock manages to stay together, one by one following each other through the tree branches above or vegetation below. Yesterday as I walked near one of their favorite roosting areas, I noticed a single feather had drifted down to the trail. A moment captured.

These encounters with with area birds and animals always bring a highlight to my days. I feel fortunate to get a glimpse into the lives of these wild neighbors. The mother’s dedication to her young is touching to witness. I can’t wait to see what next season brings and hope the turkeys continue to thrive.