Tag: carpenternaturecenter

  • Wings of Freedom: Artistic Inspiration and Second Chances

    In the realm of nature and wildlife, there are few moments as profound as witnessing the release of injured birds of prey back into the wild. Recently, I had the privilege of attending a raptor release event at the Carpenter Nature Center, organized by the esteemed University of Minnesota’s Raptor Center. This event not only…

  • Great Horned Owl

    Great Horned Owl

    This Great Horned Owl piece is just finishing up. I gave it another autumn color palette that I thought complimented it nicely. I’ve occasionally seen (and heard) great horned owls in the neighborhood, usually at dusk. However this year they seem to have been absent so far. The Barred Owl family had a large brood,…

  • Bobcat At Autumn In The Valley

    Bobcat At Autumn In The Valley

    Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit. Edward Abbey I’ve had a busy Fall so far – 25 new paintings finished for galleries and exhibitions and more research for new works in the next few months now that the weather is cooling and the trees are beginning to turn in…