Tag: demonstration

  • Embracing the Spirit of the Wild: A Wolf Watercolor in Progress

    In the realm of art, there exists a profound connection between the natural world and the artist’s brush. It is through this connection that we witness the birth of creations that evoke a sense of wonder and reverence for the beauty that surrounds us. Today, I invite you to join me on a journey into…

  • “Sketching the Essence: Capturing the Grace and Power of the Mountain Lion”

    As an artist, sketching is an essential part of honing skills and capturing the essence of the subject. That’s why I wanted to dedicate this sketch to the graceful mountain lion, a creature that embodies both elegance and strength. With a pencil in hand, I embarked on a journey to capture the spirit of the…

  • The First Strokes of the Brush – A New Wolf Watercolor Begins

    Building a Wolf Portrait in Layers Beginning a new wildlife painting is an exciting moment full of potential. This portrait of a delighted black wolf started with careful graphite studies, mapping out proportions before applying the first strokes of paint. I laid in the initial structural underpainting using thinned layers of sepia and burnt umber.…

  • Choosing the Right Painting Surface for Watercolor

    When it comes to watercolor painting in fine detail, the surface you paint on is crucial for achieving the best results. I recently had someone ask me what type of surface I use for my watercolor paintings, so I thought I’d share some tips on choosing the ideal painting ground. The most important factor to…