Tag: mountain lion

  • Sketches in Graphite – Inspired By Nature’s Majesty

    This graphite study captures the powerful yet graceful essence of the mountain lion, that elusive monarch of North American mountains and forests. With careful shading and judicious lines, the drawing conveys the muscularity, alertness and intensity present in these magnificent predators. Their penetrating gaze meets the viewer directly, reminding us of the wildness still present…

  • “Sketching the Essence: Capturing the Grace and Power of the Mountain Lion”

    As an artist, sketching is an essential part of honing skills and capturing the essence of the subject. That’s why I wanted to dedicate this sketch to the graceful mountain lion, a creature that embodies both elegance and strength. With a pencil in hand, I embarked on a journey to capture the spirit of the…

  • Mountain Lions

    Mountain Lions

    Almost done with this small watercolor painting of a pair of sunlit Mountain Lions. Loved working with this color palette and warm glowing color.