Tag: realism

  • Nature’s Delight: A Blue Jay’s Haven

    As an artist deeply inspired by the wonders of nature, I am delighted to present this new painting that captures the charm of a blue jay perched among a vibrant display of festive berries. This piece seeks to celebrate the beauty of our natural world and the joy it brings during the holiday season. In…

  • Embracing the Spirit of the Wild: A Wolf Watercolor in Progress

    In the realm of art, there exists a profound connection between the natural world and the artist’s brush. It is through this connection that we witness the birth of creations that evoke a sense of wonder and reverence for the beauty that surrounds us. Today, I invite you to join me on a journey into…

  • Capturing Nature’s Essence: The Underpainting Journey

    Today, I invite you to join me on a journey into the heart of the natural world, where brushstrokes and pigments intertwine to bring forth the beauty that surrounds us. As an artist and a passionate advocate for wildlife and the environment, I find solace and inspiration in the delicate balance of nature’s intricate tapestry.…

  • Nature’s Delight: Raccoon Kits in Watercolor

    Today, I am delighted to share with you a glimpse into the captivating world of wildlife through watercolor. Join me on this artistic expedition as we explore the intricate beauty of raccoon kits nestled within the embrace of a cozy log cavity. In observing the brushstrokes that bring these raccoon kits to life, I am…

  • The First Strokes of the Brush – A New Wolf Watercolor Begins

    Building a Wolf Portrait in Layers Beginning a new wildlife painting is an exciting moment full of potential. This portrait of a delighted black wolf started with careful graphite studies, mapping out proportions before applying the first strokes of paint. I laid in the initial structural underpainting using thinned layers of sepia and burnt umber.…

  • An Artist’s Reflections: The Living Legacy of the Mississippi Backwaters

    As an artist who has long found inspiration along the Mississippi River, I’m compelled to reflect on the living legacy of its incredible backwaters and sloughs. For many years I’ve walked the banks and bluffs, observing these habitats flourish through seasons and years. Though I have occasionally paddle the local waterways, more often I’m content…

  • Evoking Grizzly Encounters in Paint

    Though now confined to the studio, visions of grizzlies (and other wild creatures) still dance in my mind’s eye, itching to be painted. I take thousands of reference photos during my encounters, but draw as much from memory—recollections of chance meetings with the bears in their wilderness habitat or rescue animals in sanctuaries. I had…

  • The Colors of Late Autumn

    The Colors of Late Autumn

    As the days grow shorter and the air turns crisp, the landscape transitions into the rich, warm hues of late autumn. The trees shed their emerald leaves, revealing branches laden with jewel-toned fruit. Crimson crabapples and wild cherries ripen amidst the muted browns and grays of the season. I’m currently working on a watercolor painting…

  • Early Stages – Capturing a Cougar in Sepia

    I’m currently working on a new small-scale portrait of a mountain lion, done with watercolor paints. I’ve just finished the initial underpainting stage, where I sketch out the basic forms and apply sepia texture and small wash areas to give the painting some basic structure before starting to layer on color. For this piece, I…

  • Capturing the Essence of Evening (Great Egret Watercolor)

    As I near completion of my latest watercolor painting, I wanted to give a sneak peek into the process and techniques used to capture the tranquility of dusk in this scene. The subject is a great egret, standing amidst rolling waves as the sun sets behind him. I utilized both transparent and opaque watercolor pigments…