Tag: wolf

  • Embracing the Spirit of the Wild: A Wolf Watercolor in Progress

    In the realm of art, there exists a profound connection between the natural world and the artist’s brush. It is through this connection that we witness the birth of creations that evoke a sense of wonder and reverence for the beauty that surrounds us. Today, I invite you to join me on a journey into…

  • A New Addition to the Pack: Wolf Painting

    The artist is delighted to have just unveiled a new watercolor creation. The small, intimate painting depicts a lone timber wolf traversing a snowy winter landscape, rendered in the artist’s signature style of soft realism. Though compact in size, the painting packs in an incredible amount of detail. The wolf’s fur is painted with a…

  • The First Strokes of the Brush – A New Wolf Watercolor Begins

    Building a Wolf Portrait in Layers Beginning a new wildlife painting is an exciting moment full of potential. This portrait of a delighted black wolf started with careful graphite studies, mapping out proportions before applying the first strokes of paint. I laid in the initial structural underpainting using thinned layers of sepia and burnt umber.…

  • Black Wolf at Water’s Edge

    Black Wolf at Water’s Edge

    In painting this piece, I focused on the calmness of the water and blending of the color scheme with a soft background to give a feel of mist or haze so the wolf stands out. I loved the rich tones of the black fur that glowed in warm brown tones as the sunlight touched the…